Healthcare in the Amazon Era

Captains Research Study, 2018

Amazon’s e-commerce dominance is well documented, and 2018 has been a landmark year for the global tech giant. Less clear, however, is Amazon’s desired role and intent in the healthcare market. There have been several indicators of movement, with January 2018’s health initiative announcement with Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase being perhaps the most significant.

Captains Research conducted a study to go deeper with a critical audience who will be affected by Amazon’s actions: hospital executives. Through proprietary qualitative research comprised of in-depth interviews and a short survey, we explored:

  1. – What is the mindset of hospital executives when it comes to implementing new technologies that come from outside the healthcare space?

  2. – What are hospitals’ expectations for Amazon and other big tech companies in the short and longer term?

  3. – What technologies do hospital executives believe can bring about transformative change?

The report shows the current indicators of a shift to the Amazon era of healthcare. Supported by a poignant afterword by Dr. David Y. Ting, Chief Medical Information Officer at the Mass General Physicians Organization, the report seeks to define the strategic questions that organizations, hospitals and leaders on the edge of medicine and technology must address to deliver care and conduct business in the Amazon era of healthcare.

About Captains Research

Captains Research conducts ongoing research on the market dynamics and global trends impacting sectors undergoing profound change: Healthcare, Higher-Ed, and Energy. We are also experts in understanding elusive populations, such as the C-suite. This research contributes to our growing knowledge base that is used to support some of the world’s most progressive challenger brands.

Expertise & Contact

Lauren Prentiss is the Strategy Director at Captains, and leads Captains Research. To find out about opportunities to partner with us please contact

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